We've Branched Out Across Southwest Michigan
我们成立于1935年,当时是卡拉马祖学校雇员信用合作社. 我们的目标很简单——满足当地教育工作者的经济需求. Since then, our mission has evolved, 我们现在为密歇根州的各种家庭和企业提供服务. In 2016, 我们更名为Arbor金融信用合作社,以反映我们在社区的牢固根基和我们对增长的不懈承诺(并确保人们知道他们不必成为教师才能加入)!).
- 12 branches across Southwest Michigan
- 47,000+ Arbor Financial members
- $915,000,000+ million in total assets
Who We Are
Everyone at Arbor cares about where we’ve been, where we’re going, and the people we serve along the way. As a credit union and Michiganders ourselves, 我们的目标是促进会员和社区的财务健康, so that we can all share in success.
Working Together
我们的员工致力于在我们周围的社区中共同努力. 我们提供 8 volunteer hours to every employee to use within the year. Within the first year, 这个项目取得了巨大的成功,因为我们的分支机构每天都在实践以工作场所和社区为中心的文化. 现在 five years later, our staff has donated over 1,514 hours of volunteer time to our community, 学校, nature preserves, 和更多的.
Need volunteers?
We're always ready to help serve our community. Send us an email at marketing@arborfcu.组织, 我们会把你加入我们的志愿者名单!
Do the Right Thing
Arbor Financial位于12个不同的社区. 话虽如此,还有很多地方需要我们的帮助和支持. 为了感觉与我们的社区和组织有联系, we developed and dedicated a staff-led committee, known as the Caring Committee. This committee focuses their efforts, 基金, 在我们社区内的捐款包括但不限于, local non-profits, animal shelters, children's hospitals, and mental health foundations. 在过去的五年中,我们总共捐赠了超过 $100,000 in 基金, donation items, and volunteer time. 平均, 21名员工贡献了他们的时间,使这个委员会取得了成功,并为我们的社区服务.
Having Fun Along the Way
Best of all, we like to have 有趣的! Arbor Financial通过年鉴和戏剧广告支持当地的高中, 赞助从小联盟和其他运动队到当地赛事的一切活动, 世博会, fitness facilities, several local chambers of commerce, 甚至是我们自己的西密歇根大学田径运动. Go Buster Bronco! 我们一直在寻找新的方式来参与社区-如果你有一个赞助的机会,你想分享, click the button below to join in the fun. join the fun 太!
Our 2022 Annual Report
加入47000 +快乐植树县金融信用社会员
从开立一个支票账户开始吧,这样你就可以免费使用30多个账户了,000 ATMs throughout Michigan and across the nation, fee-free access to 移动 and Online 加拿大28软件, Web Bill Pay, 和更多的. It's easy to open your Momentum 检查 account 在线 or switch your account to become an Arbor Financial member.